Summer Running

It is not for the faint of heart. Obviously, hydration is important. But there are some other things to remember and there are several no-nos that I see when running.

I don’t claim to be an expert but I have been running daily for more than 30 years and I have learned what to avoid.

1, Concrete. There is nothing worse for your feet and legs than running on concrete. The best surface is an all-weather track. If that is not available, choose asphalt over concrete any day.

2, Run facing traffic. Nothing is a scarier sight than seeing a runner with headphones running with traffic. Think about a driver who is texting and then think about the chance one has if he/she doesn’t even know the driver is getting closer.

3, Dehydration. I live in the southwest desert where it is easy to dehydrate in a hurry. But no matter where one lives, if it is a long running day be sure to either carry water/liquid with electrolytes or plant them along your route.

One other thing: Bring along a positive attitude. I never dread a day running, knowing the benefits to be gained. Granted, I no longer run in icy conditions but I have run in temperatures above 90 degrees. And I still experience a “runner’s high” after all these years.

So hit the road and enjoy your run!